Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014


Graduate from University one of the best and awaited moment in my life. There is much plans i want to do after graduated. Everyone definitely want to graduated as soon as possible and could get job which agree with our ability and skill.
After graduated i would working in Direktorat Jenderal Perpajakan.  Yes, i’m interested in taxation. Indeed i want to be a taxation consultant. To made it happen, from now i was accompanying taxation c ourse at IAI (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia). There is different count between accountancy and taxation. The difference made me interested to understand further.
When i felt my finance enough for defrayed my study abroad, i would took school of design in London or Milan. Yes of course i want to be a designer indeed.  Fashion is my passion, i love everything about fashion. By fashion we can expression our self. Fashion is about you whatever people judge. I hope my wish will be really happen in whole day, ya i’m sure that’s will be nice.

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